About Us
Welcome! My name is Chris Tingom, and I’m the guy who made this web site. That’s me on the right, in Sedona, AZ on a hike. My wife is really the runner in the family, but running belts can be used on hikes, walks, and even as a safety belt for travel.
Some of my favorite things to do are travel the world, play with my two-year old daughter, make web sites (my career), and take my wife to interesting restaurants. That’s probably pretty typical.
There’s a certain irony in creating this web site. I mean, a web site about running belts? And even more specifically running water belts? Well, the long and the short of it is that we did a ton of research about running belts (both with and without water holders) with the intention of selling them direct.
Then, being excited we jumped right in, and bought this web site address.
We do hope to eventually sell running belts direct, but for now we’re going to link to them on Amazon or other retailers, and maybe in the future convert our site to a shopping cart.
Send us a message!
Please email us at hello@runningwaterbelt.com or by using the form below. We’d love to hear from you and learn about what you’re up to! If you need a recommendation for a running water belt, we can give you one! Or, let us know if we missed a product you think we should check out. Thanks!